

Homeopathy works!
It is used by over 1.5 billion people worldwide.
It is safe, effective, gentle and can be used by the whole family to treat both emotional and physical problems..
Homeopathy uses natural remedies from natural substances such as plants and minerals.
It is non-addictive and can be used alongside medication.

Intolerance Testing & Treatment

Intolerance testing & treatment is an effective way to identify any substances that are affecting your health. These substances can be anything from food stuffs, E numbers or even bacteria and viruses.
Unlike other available tests, we create a tailored treatment plan, including desensitisation remedies. 

Access Bars

Access Bars is a therapy where 32 specific points on the head are lightly touched.
It feels incredibly relaxing and often you fall asleep during the session.
Touching the points on the head has the effect of releasing negative thoughts and patterns of behaviour, a little like rebooting the hard drive of your brain.
This empowers and enables you to move forward into a successful future.


Our bodies are constantly working to keep us in balance.
When we experience symptoms it is because we are out of balance, in a state of dis-ease.
All of the therapies used work with the body by stimulating healing and re-establishing balance.
The techniques used are suitable for all ages.
Kinesiology is used as a diagnostic tool to determine the most appropriate method of therapy for you.
It is a way of connecting with your innate intelligence, the very thing that works to keep you in balance.
Kinesiology is at the cutting edge of science and a remarkably accurate tool to use.

Would you like to know more?

Call or email to arrange a free 15 minute telephone consultation to see how we can help you
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